Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need a good straightener?

I have crazy thick hair and not all straighteners work for me. I need to know what hair straightener works really well. Please help! I'm tired of always throwing my hair up into a pony tail because if I wear it down my hair poofs way out!!!

I need a good straightener?

I have the same problem as you.

My tips are: Use a ceramic hair straightner. Yuo don't have to spend a fortune on one. The most important thing is that it MUST have a heat setting. Since you hair is thick, you need major heat in order to straighten it. If you get one with an on/off switch, it'll kinda straighten your hair but it'll poof up with the most minimal amount of moisture in the air.

You can let your hair dry naturally and the use the iron, its what i do. Please don't iron your hair wet. You can't even imagine how much that damages your hair.

You can use an anti frizz on your hair after your done ironing so your hair wont frizz up as easily.

Hope this helps!

I need a good straightener?

i use conair and it works fine for me you just need to straighten thin Pisces of your hair which will make it more smother and thiner.

I need a good straightener?

Try the CHI ceramic straightening iron. You can purchase at your local salon and if they have none in stock, one can be ordered for you. They work wonderfully for the curliest of hair. You might want to consider using a straightening balm with it as well for humid days. Redken, CHI and Bed Head make great straightening balms for this.

Good luck

I need a good straightener?

Get a wet to dry straightener ( you can find them anywhere!). Then when you straighten your hair divide it into sections for straightening for best results. As for the poofing, anti frizz products work best on these situations. Try to get a non-greasy product though for natural look.

I need a good straightener?

use a metal one... go for the better brands like philips if u have thick hair.. they shud work.

also make sure u wash ur hair properly. it shud be free from oil. use schwarzkopf iron serum before ironing. after ironing use a hold on cream.

it also depends on the humidity of the place. Thr's nothing u can do to save ur hair from it.

I need a good straightener?

Don't use GHD hair straighteners.

I need a good straightener?

Same problem I have! If I leave my hair down, especially after a shower, I look like a troll doll! Here's what I do:

When hair dries, I use a straightning iron (conair) in small sections, when hair is dry, I use BIOSILK silk therapy, it comes in a small clear bottle with a black cap, then i use TRESEMME shine spray, and after that, PANTENE pro-v style classic hairspray, this is what i do and it works everytime, hope i can help!

I need a good straightener?

Go to Sally's Beauty Supply. They have awesome stuff there. They have one straightener in particular is $32 and it comes with changeable disc, so you can make your hair with a wave or a waffle as well.

I need a good straightener?

I use a CHI It was expensive, but it works great and it last a long time. You should be able to but one form your stylist.

My hair is long,think and wavy and it is stick straight now. love love love it %26lt;3

I need a good straightener?

I would say DO use a GHD... my hair is thick and frizzy and its the only one I have ever tried that works. Just make sure your hair is conditioned well and you use a heat styling defence spray.

I need a good straightener?

get this straightner excellent i have 2 of them

I need a good straightener?

The best straightener I've ever used was a humectant. It used to be that the only kind available was really expensive ( 11$ for a small bottle of Nexus Humectrus) but these days the Suave company makes a humectant that cost about 2$ for a good size bottle, usually found at Wal-Mart or K-Mart. If you look at the bottle it reads, " Compare to active ingredients in Nexus Humectrus " , so it's the same stuff.

The also make a Sleek shampoo for frizzy or dry hair.

I need a good straightener?

use ghd's!! they are brilliant!! life saviors lol.. i would reccommend getting the thick ghd's as they work really well with thick hair (i have thick hair too and my hair is poker straight when i use these)

they are quite costly, but well worth it!! .. but remember to also use the heat protector that comes with them to prevent ur hair from gettin damaged :)

I need a good straightener?

You can use relaxer or mechanical hot Iron. Or go to hair saloon.

Go to a pharmacy and talk to the works there they will show some products read the label take your time and then pick one at a time and try them, most have shelf life so do not buy them all at once.

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