Around 4 months ago, i uses wella hair straightener, but somehow the results is horrible. i had BAD spilt ends and curly hair after using it. so i Went for trim every month. But my hair was not smooth and perfect.
SO i decided to use a iron hair straightener, it was great for the first few days but after a week or so, my hair get curl and spilt ends even after straightening it.
Will rebonding Help my hair to become straight and silky?
is there cases where hair become worst after having a rebonding at a salon ?
Hair Damaged / Rebonding ?
if ur hair is dry and damaged ask ur self these question and be fair in answering :
do i style my hair too much using heat and gel and other chemicals that damage my hair?
did i dyed my hair more than once this yr?
do i use hair straigthening or heat curling iron too much?
did i permed my hair alot this hair(more than once)
if ur answer is yes to twice or more of these question then u r the reason,and u do not care abt ur hair at all,and u should learn abt the basic hair care and routine to keep ur hair smooth,healthy.
2nd:u should make a choice:
if u want to keep damaging ur hair then try hasir extentions they r good for u,if u do not like them then try to use less damaging hair styling products,and have a haircut that do not require perming ur hair or damaging it,then u should have a hair treatment course(using natural product or using expensive products it is ur choice according to ur budget)
email me if u want me to recommand hair treatment for u(natural or expensive ones)
how to make ur hair grow faster
first of all u should know that there is internal and external part.
internal part :ur hair to grow ,to be soft and smooth need essential vitamines like iron,calcium,b5,so u should take care of ur food and preserve a good diet and submit ur body with all the essential vitamines and minerals,u can not have a good hair and skin if u r starving ur self.
second:external care:u should follow the basic routine(massage ur scalp,use a good shampoo and conditioner,intensive mask every week etc)
3rd:if u have a tight budget u can use natural product(which i recommand cuz mask etc have chemicals which in the long run not good for ur hair).
4th:u should follow the basic hair care(email me if u do not know it)
Hair Damaged / Rebonding ?
That's possible that your hair get worser because rebonding is the application of lot of chemical and this will really damage your hair.
My Advice : Cut down the split ends and let your hair grow , thats better for rebonding after.
after rebonding my hair very damaged and dry i am very imbressed pls